Saturday, March 28, 2015

Christopher Hansard - We Need To Be Foolish

Wisdom, I think we all have a hint at how to attain, but often we assume that, like shooting a basketball or singing an opera solo, it takes a high level of work and talent. Christopher Hansard disagrees. He says that we are all born with the perfect balance of wisdom and foolishness.

christopher hansard; tibetan buddhism; wise; foolish
The Wise Self & The Foolish Self
The perfect amount of foolishness? I was scratching my head here too, for modern society has taken the permissiveness out of being foolish. When we're on the clock foolishness is considered out of bounds in many cases. Love, passion, individual spirit, and dreaming big all fall under the protective umbrella of the Foolish

christopher hansard; foolish self; tibetan buddhism
The Foolish Self (Cont.

Foolishness is daring to predict the future and daring still to take the calculated steps necessary to realize that dream. But, of course, there are too many unknown variables to get it right from the first prediction. The Wise are able to see the unseen and bring continuity, serenity, and simplicity to the whole process, but all Wise action needs a Fool to get the ball rolling. And as long as you're interacting with other people each day, there is the chance to be both Foolish and Wise in the best sense of both words.
christopher hansard; balancing the wise and foolish selves; tibetan buddhism
Losing the Balance

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