Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Rice Harvest in Japan

I was lucky enough to catch the majority of farmers out harvesting their rice crops a couple weeks ago. The clouds opened up and made it a perfect day to do so. I've lived here for more than three years now and I'm still reminded of that book To the White Sea by James Dickey (the same author who wrote Deliverance). The main character finds himself in foreign yet beautiful landscapes. Now, after a few years here and a few more in other Japanese locales, these landscapes don't feel so foreign anymore, but they're sure still beautiful.

View to the north

View to the west

Heading home

Irrigation canal has done her job for the year.

A close-up of the beast.

Save the hay bundles for later.

Not yet harvested, mountains in the distance.

A peek at the harvesters through a garden.

Just a little more, old-timer.

Remnants of some teenager firework fun.

Some litter down in the waterway.

A little garden near the entrance to the fields.

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