Haans Petruschke, the top commentor on NPR's recent story about the hyperloop trains, explains the mechanics of it all much more clearly (and correctly) than I can:
So, the next step is to put these magnetic trains in an evacuated tube and pump oxygen into the cabin like we do in airplanes. When this is achieved the trains can theoretically reach speeds of 800 miles per hour. Imagine going from Seoul to L.A., watching Cloud Atlas, wondering why they're not using hyperloops in New Seoul, and then having an ice cream on Santa Monica pier to let Sonmi's manifesto really sink in. Imagine the possibilities.
Of course, the infrastructure would be tremendously expensive and governments would have to subsidize some of the costs for this to become a reality any time soon.
Or...megarich tech tycoons like Elon Musk -- as wealthy as some governments himself -- could throw some of their chips into the mix.
We have all the necessary technology to do this, so look forward to it soon. What do you think about the prospect of these hyperloop trains? Are you worried, like some people, about safety? Are you expecting them to be out of your price range, a fanciful luxury for only the rich? Or are you optimistic? Let me know in the comments below. One thing I do know is the prospect of this tech, along with hyper-sonic flight, make for an ever more connected future world.
If you are interested, please preview the first chapter of my novel, Sumire, here. It is scheduled to be released in the fall or winter of 2013.
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